Does your car need a service?
Our mechanics in Canberra our here to help you
At ACT Tyre Brake & Mechanical, we can service all makes and all models of cars. In addition to this, we can fit tyres to all makes and models as well. We are your one-stop shop for all your service, repairs and tyre fittings.
We have 2 locations in Canberra, Braddon, and Mitchell. If you work in town and want to get a service while at work Braddon is your ideal location. If you are in the suburbs then Mitchell can be the store for you.
We look forward to helping you get your car back on the road and ready to drive. The links on this page cover our most seen brands of cars and if your looking for more specific information on your car then please visit these links. If you have any questions about your car that are not on these pages then please give our staff a call.