September 4, 2018

Top-5: Back-to-School Tyre Maintenance Tips for Students

Preparing for a new school year involves more than just buying supplies and packing bags. If you have a child heading to university, college, or even just driving to high school, ensuring their car is safe and ready for the road is crucial.

Proper tyre maintenance plays a vital role in their safety and the vehicle’s performance. Here are five essential tips to help you and your child prepare their car’s tyres for the upcoming school year.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safer and smoother driving experience for your student, giving you peace of mind as they embark on their educational journey.

back to school tire maintenance tips
  1. Check tyre pressures – Tyre pressure should be checked regularly, once per month is the recommended amount. It is also best to check the tyres when they are cold so at least 3 hours after you drive. The heat from the friction increases the tyre pressure. 
  2. Make sure your car is aligned – A jolt from hitting a pothole or a curb or even going over a speed bump can cause the car’s alignment to slowly or sometimes drastically become unaligned. 
  3. Time to rotate your tyres – your tyres don’t always need to be replaced they can simply be rotated. 
  4. How deep are the grooves – Proper tread depth is essential to prevent hydroplaning & skidding, the minimum depth 1.6mm. If you are unsure of how to check this then go see a tyre shop near you. 
  5. Where is the spare tyre and how do I change a tyre? Before handing over the keys to your child its best to teach them how to change a tyre. If you yourself are not sure how to do this then go to one of your closest tyre shops and get them to teach your child how to change a tyre. This is important as your child might have an emergency situation that needs them to know how to do this.

If you would like to learn more about these Back-to-School Tyre Maintenance Tips for Students please visit us or give us a call.

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If you need help with Back-to-School Tyre Maintenance Tips for Students give our team a call.

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