Welcome to ACT Tyre Brake & Mechanical

Car Services & Tyres in Campbell

Car Servicing | Car Repairs | New & Discount Tyres & More

Our car servicing experts our here to help you

Take Advantage of Attentive and Affordable Car Servicing in Canberra. Not sure what your car needs? We’ve got the tools and training to listen to your car, assess its health status and make the necessary changes with car servicing in Canberra.

Our team of licensed and certified professionals services everything from compact vehicles to sports cars and 4WDs

Car Services in Campbell

Car Service

Car Repairs in Campbell

Car Repairs

New tyres in Campbell

New Tyres

Suspension repairs & installations in Campbell


Brake repairs & new installs in Campbell


Wheel Alignments in Campbell

Wheel Alignments

We strive for excellence in everything we do.

We strive for excellence in everything we do.

Call either of our two workshops today to book in your car for a service, repair or instal

Our Focus.

Our Focus.

At ACT Tyre Brake & Mechanical, we focus on you. As a family-run business, we treat each of our clients like family so you can rest assured your vehicle is in good hands. Although our business was originally a franchise, we’ve evolved our practices and have become an independent retailer. This change has allowed us to reach a broader customer base and help more Canberra residents feel safe on the road.

Whether you frequently travel along the highway, through neighborhoods, or over long stretches of land, don’t let your car suddenly quit and leave you stranded. Be proactive and contact us on (02) 6257 6689 for car servicing in Canberra.

Car Services & Tyres in Campbell

Getting you back on the road in a safe vehcile

Client Reviews & Testimonials

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Affordable & Reliable Car Services & Tyres in Campbell

At ACT Tyre Brake & Mechanical we have over 20 years experience servicing & repairing all makes & models of cars, vans, utes, and four wheel drives. In addition to this we can also fit new and discount tyres to your vehicle, any size, quality & tread. 

As a specialist tyre shop we can fit a wide range of tyre brands to your car. The main tyre we use is Continental tyres, but we do stock and get in almost all tyre brands. 

For a complete list of tyre brands please click here.

To book a service or a repair of your vehicle in Turner please give our Braddon store a call today on 0450 884 488

Car Services & Tyres in Campbell

Book in with our mechanics today for you Car Services & Tyres in Campbell

If you would like to learn more about ACT Tyre Brake & Mechanical you can visit us on Facebook or read our Google Reviews.